
Cgwiki Discord "vex_and_python" Channel
swalsch: hey, psst! over here! If you feel up to it, do one of these! Keep it simple, it's a bit of sop prep and roughly 6 lines of vex doing the fancy animation stuff. You can discuss your approach or hints using spoilers, like how orient along curve can't just output N and up, y'know?

Voronoi shatter geo
Assemble & pack pieces
PrimUV will drive the animation
Create offset attribute
Orient Along Curve node use to create necessary matrices attributes
From left to right are my iterations, I struggled with easing the pieces until I explored the smooth() VEX function which allowed me to smooth the offset attribute for each individual piece. I also discovered that I could use that same offset attribute to lerp() to a rest attribute and it is showcased in the final version above. This project is all about matrices and with that in mind I kept going down the path, I wanted to tap into all the applicable intrinsic attributes like scale, indv scale, rotation, to make the FX more directable.


Rest Pose lerp() animated on Z to avoid overlapping pieces


Packed piece rotation Y by offset attribute


Total scale by offset attribute


Indvidual scale by offset attribute


All layers combined

Future Todos:
Explore use cases.

Selected Works

Procedural ForcefieldPop & Ripple Solver - FX Setup

Wet Sand ManVellum Grains - FX Setup

PrimUVVEX - FX Setup

Workshop GeneratorProcedural Building Tool

Building GeneratorProcedural Building Tool