About Me

Movies always have a special way of igniting my curiosity. Curiosity turned into passion over time and then passion to action. It led me to the unique juncture where imagination and technology intersect, VFX. I am Jacob Wekell, passionately intrigued by everything 3D.

Who am I?


I commit myself fully to making my dreams come true and constantly seek opportunities to grow and develop. There's always something fresh and exciting to uncover in the world of 3D.


Former collegiate athlete, accustomed to effort and pressure. Experienced with teamwork, multitasking, organization, I bring these skills to every project and task I undertake, ensuring efficiency and quality results.


No matter the circumstances, I find a way to make a meaningful contribution by adapting to new technologies, embracing new work methods, and navigating changes in team dynamics.


I readily welcome new ideas, fostering creativity and inclusivity in any team or project I'm involved in.